What We Do:

United Way is putting your donations to work where they get the greatest results. Together, we are creating lasting change in local Island communities from tip to tip.

Our work focuses on 4 key areas that create opportunities for everyone in our communities to live a better life:

United Way is helping to meet the basic needs of our community’s most vulnerable people, giving every Islander the opportunity to realize a better future.

Social Inclusion
As community builders, we promise to work hard to ensure PEI becomes a truly equitable, safe, and inclusive place with vibrant communities where everyone experiences a sense of belonging and connection to one another.

Supporting Kids & Youth
United Way is giving children and youth the support they need to get a great start in life, do well in school, and reach their full potential.

Mental Health & Wellness
We work to address the critical mental health challenges facing our Island, ensuring residents in need can access the mental health and addiction services they need, when and where they need them.

How We Do It:

We Are Local Experts
Through research, consultation and experience, we know where the need is greatest in each community, and we invest our efforts and your donations where they will have the greatest results.

We Bring People Together
We make sure the right people, organizations and skills are at the table to solve the tough problems. We work together with nonprofits, government, community agencies, corporate partners, labour and donors to improve lives across PEI.

We Address Root Causes
While a band-aid fix may help in the short-term, we also aim to create lasting change. By learning more about the factors that influence issues like poverty, we can tackle them early and develop long-term solutions.

Whether you support our work by giving a personal donation, by helping to plan a workplace campaign, or by spreading the word about how we help Islanders in need, our local community has benefitted from your local love.

Thank you for giving back to the places where we all live, work and raise our families. Thanks for making local issues #UNIGNORABLE.

Behind every changed life is someone like you who made it happen.
All donations to the United Way of PEI stay on PEI to help Islanders.


Charitable Registration No.
BN119278356 RR 0001

For all general inquiries, please contact:
United Way of Prince Edward Island

Mailing Address:
PO Box 247, Stn Central
Charlottetown PE  C1A 7K4

Physical Address:
119 Queen Street, Suite 106
Charlottetown, PE  C1A 4B3

Office Hours: Monday - Friday, 8:00AM - 4:00PM
Toll Free: 1-877-902-4438
Phone: 902-894-8202

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Donor Privacy Policy

The United Way of PEI is committed to protecting the privacy of our donors, volunteers, employees and other stakeholders. We value your trust, and we recognize that maintaining this trust requires us to be transparent and accountable in safeguarding the confidentiality of the personal information that you choose to share with us.

The United Way of PEI embraces the principles of the Donor Bill of Rights and the Personal Information Protection Act to ensure that all personal information is properly collected, used only for the purposes...

Complete policy information

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